Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
I know everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but I feel like I've heard that story re-hashed a million times.There were some errors in that article as well, looks like that kid rushed it. Third can't any other writer/reporter say something about The Philadelphia LCN without an insert from GA.

That is stiff for drug dealing and that is horrible he had to spend his adult life in prison. If anyone has read the Last Mouthpiece by Robert Simone you'll see that he dedicates the book to John McCullough (The Roofers Union Leader) that long john killed on Christmas what a scumbag. I heard long john was a pervert in his day he was a pepping tom, they called him the grasshopper..Just like Michael Myers you could be going about your business and glaring in the window would be "Hey John why the long Face" Martorano.

His family at least put all that drug money to good use with investments in legitimate business's. The Yo cuz Martorano reminds of of an orangutang.

Lol, John did look like a pervert. Mousie also.