Originally Posted By: olivant
This is just incredible:

(CNN) – GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry said if he had made any mistakes thus far in the campaign, it was "probably ever doing one of the" debates.

He's only stating the obvious that everybody else has already said.

He's got what, $17 million in the bank? Those damn Christianites are still looking for their candidate, why not pull out of the debates which the general population doesn't pay attention to except for the partisans, media, and politicalphiles? Why not go full-on with his attack ads and strip King Romney from his throne?

His camp has done two great ads, that one I linked a few days earlier and the other which by CGI combined the signing ceremonies for both Romney and Obama's HCR plans as if they're at the same table. I mean Perry might as well, because he's as useless as man teets at the podiums. Especially against Mittens.

(Worry later that if Perry did win the nomination...will he also ignore those other debates?)