Originally Posted By: Nicholas
I agree Mukremin, but I noticed only two of the guys are in their 20's, 28 and 29. Though a lot of non made guys in a mob ran operation, of which I assume all of the guys knows the proceeds go to the Gambino family. Makes me think the family's bigger than it really is.

Well this was a crew. A pretty big one...so yes, another reminder of how large can they be.
And it is a big hit, even if just two made guys were arrested. The feds hit the money. That's mobsters' worst fear. Cash being taken away from them.

As far as the young guys are concerned: until you are in your late '20s\early '30s it's very unlikley that you can get even a low "position". You can be a driver, bouncer, doors opener a low-low-low level associate if you may.
Or at least if you are not connected by blood (dad, uncles, brothers who are connected).