Originally Posted By: Mukremin

Ivy, do you see any major error on the charts for the 5 families? The upper echelon is 100% correct right? At least so far we know.

Looks good to me. Just a few things...

In the Genovese family, I believe Anthony Romanello is in the same crew as Patsy Parello. Barney Bellomo, Ernie Muscarella, and Artie Nigro all come from the same crew. Alan Longo was acting for Allie Malagone. And Sammy Aparo was acting for Ross Gangi. Though that may not matter depending on how you're doing the chart.

In the Lucchese family, Martin Taccetta and Ralph Perna are in the same crew. Ralph was last identified as captain.

But like I said, the rest looks fine. Good work.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.