Originally Posted By: olivant
I liked Bachmann's jibe about turning Cain's 999 tax plan upside down to reveal it's a 666 plan.

Could it be? Cain's the anti-christ?

Don't be ridiculous.

That's the President.

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Was that a poll taken tonight (after debate)?



If it was, Perry would have dropped several points. I wonder how many Texans are upset that he's clearly been the bitch of a yankee Mormon from Mass.? Perry was sinking, he knew he had to reclaim his prowless from that prick. He lost.

Nevermind it just came out today that Romney's healthcare team that helped orchestrated RomneyCare advised the Obama White House on ObamaCare. And Perry...zip. Nothing.Nothing. It's like Glass Joe K.O.'ing your ass out on PUNCH OUT.

The only thing I really took from that debate was this: The GOP doesn't know what it wants to be, and I wonder that if not for their absolute vicious hatred of their opponent, what would unite them except mythology-fueled, increasingly historic-inaccurate waxing on Reagan?

(Romney not really having an answer at all about Reagan's own contradictions compared to today's GOP orthodoxy is rather revealing. Reagan, success and failure, had to deal with reality. Apparently reality is now all in the mind.)

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 10/12/11 01:00 AM.