Originally Posted By: Don Pappo Napolitano
Originally Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica
You have to wonder if Tomy Ryan Eboli actually thought he could get away with chiseling Carlo or if his "ventures" really just fell through.

Well, he was gunned down... I don`t think his plans went further if he was not alive anymore.

Of course end result was that he died anyway. It'd of course be a stupid move to try and rip off a guy like Carlo, but if Eboli was one of the guys (like Galante) that apparently didnt think too highly of Gambino, perhaps he thought he could take the money and not really have to pay him back, since he was, after all, the Genovese "boss", as far as anybody was meant to know.

This was still early stages of the ruling panel approach, and Tommy Ryan was supposedly amongst the first few guys (with Jerry Catena, Mike Miranda and Benny Squints Lombardo) to be picked/designated as Acting Boss/es. At this stage, was Tommy Ryan aware of the whole "front boss" thing and that to an extant he was actually subservient or at least equal to the others? Like Salerno was later shown to be fully aware of his actual position on the ladder?

I mean, Eboli was in close with Genovese and may very well have believed that whatever would happen, surely he wouldn't get whacked.

Obviously, Don Carlo wasn't fucking around but.
