There was some nice ground sirloin on sale at one of the local butcher shops today, so I thought I'd make a simple meat sauce - something I haven't done in at least a couple of months. One of the local greengrocers had some perfect plum tomatoes (at a very decent price, too), so this evening's dinner was all set.

It was quite difficult to tear myself away from the kitchen and post this, but I finally managed.

BTW, you're all invited, that is - if there's any left by the time you get here!

Tomorrow will probably be a nice and easy Mexican-inspired chicken with salsa verde (with rice and beans) that I made a few days ago and liked quite a lot. It's moderately spicy; when I get it just right I will most likely post the recipe.

But, "spicy" is really a relative term, isn't it? wink

Signor V.

"For me, there's only my wife..."

"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

"It was a grass harp... And we listened."

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"

"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."