If my opinion counts for anything, I truly believe the Calabrians are the ones behind this. For years they stayed back in the shadows in Canada, forming Families across the country, and letting the Rizzuto's take the power, and the heat. As the years dragged on they made a truce with the Rizzuto's, but waited until the day Vito went away. Once that happened everything fell into place, they wacked Nick Sr, Nick Jr, Paoulo Renda, Frederico Del Peschio, Carlo Bruni, all high high ranking guys within the Sicilian Cosa Nostra in Montreal. Now it is clear the N'Drangheta has filled the vaccum, and sure as hell are not going to take orders from Salvatore Montagna. If Montagna knows what is good for him, he will arrange it so that he earns for both the Bonnanos and the Calabrians, because they will whack him too without hesitation. There are 7 Calabrian organizations in Canada, rest assured they are not scared of the battered 5 Families, they can wipe them out if they want.