Breaking Bad could be another show you would be interested in. Throughout the series you watch Walter White and Jesse Pinkman rise through the various levels of the drug trafficking underworld. It's no where near as in depth as The Wire in terms of breaking it down in an almost textbook manner. But it's interesting to see how their relationships and problems, personal and criminal, change as they rise. It feature money laundering, various criminal organizations, a lot of seedy characters.

There's also Sons of Anarchy. It's about a motorcycle gang in Northern California. There are other motorcycle gangs, street gangs. The San Jose mafia family makes an appearance (which I've heard is the most powerful and elusive LCN family in the country due to their impressive ability to avoid federal indictments for decades). A dissident IRA group figures pretty heavily into the story. The gang traffics guns for the most part. They also receive protection money. It's partially based on Hamlet.