Damn, a double-post. I suck lol

I also meant to say that IMOwnHO, Blake Masters hit a home-run in mocking up his own approximation of the RI OC underworld. After watching a few times round, I can see how he and other writers fleshed out the "world" according to the brothers Caffey, with backstory, local mob history and everything.

Its one of those shows, you can watch an episode two or three times...and still pick up some obscure comment made by some random character that leads into or relates to some other plotline or character. There's a rich and cohesive history goin' on there. Not like the average commercial network crime-drama where by the end of every episode everything makes sense and falls into place, ready for the next episode.

And for the record...I think its a bit harsh to say the fifth season outright sucked Cmon man. Even shitty episodes of The Wire are better than most episodes of whatever. lol grin

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 09/04/11 11:55 PM.
