Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

But in a time where oil prices are skyrocketing, energy prices are through the roof, the economy is in the shitter, and the government is trying every which way to come up with a plan to get us back on the right track, I think that our President and his first lady could have been a bit more mindful and fiscally responsible in making the decision to travel separately to the same destination for a vacation.

How about we save some more money and put the VP on the same plane with the POTUS?

Believe it or not blue collar, the Secret Service sorta know what they're doing sometimes.


Not bashing them, not saying that they are the only ones to ever do it. Just making an observation and giving my opinion as to what transpired with taxpayer money during a time when this country, our government and it's people are hurting financially.

"...and this is when the mighty paper tiger pounces on his prey! Look at him tear through that gazelle!"