Irene offers Obama a God-given chance to assert visible leadership—the lack of which is causing him such bad notices. He could announce he’s cutting his vacation short to “take command”; establish a “situation room;” have himself photographed or videoed in shirtsleeves, galvanizing his team, calling governors and mayors to offer help, getting updates from meteorologists with a weather map in the background; give periodic updates on what our government is doing to help. In other words, do the things W didn’t do during Katrina.

But did he do it? Of course not! He issued a “brief statement” from the Vineyard, advising Americans to “take precautions.” And he delegated leadership to Janet (“the system worked perfectly”) Napolitano, who probably has even less credibility than he does. He’ll stay put on the Vineyard—it’s his vacation until after Labor Day, you know. And, never mind that Irene could keep him and his entourage bottled up on the Vineyard until after it blows over, making our Commander in Chief incommunicado, and even putting him in physical danger.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.