Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Some things did disappoint me though. For example Omar's death; I was expecting him to die in a hail of bullets while blasting away Chris or Snoop. But since that probably would have been too much of a cliché they decided to do a "Hey! We suprise you!". Whatever. Still prefer a "say hello to my little friend" epic death in a hail of bullets. Especially for a character such as Omar.

The thing is, Omar did get that death. On the streets the kids were talking about how it took a bunch of guys with AKs to kill him or something so while he didn't get it for us, he got it on the streets. And that's the only place where Omar matters at all, as shown with the toe tag scene.

I guess the jump that Omar did off the balcony happened in real life, but 3 stories higher but they made it like the 3rd floor so people would believe it.

David Simon wrote a few books, The Corner I think deals with a lot of characters who ended up being on the show in different forms.

Homicide is another book, and TV show of his, but it was on network tv so it's working by Law and Order type of realities and restrictions.

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.