Well the things that I am hearing from the codefendants is that they will do time, just not the maximum amount for their crimes. But the drug charges against some of these people are serious charges and they have a headache that's for sure. But the bookmaking offenses and loansharking offenses can be reduced a great deal because of this whole FBI situation. Some actually anticipate a walk, but the majority dont belive that, and neither do I. Martha Coakley's office and the State Police put alot of time, money, and effort into these 31 individuals, and they will put them away, it's just things have to get resolved with the Prosecution and the Feds in regards to Mark Rossetti. It all depends upon what Mark gave the Feds, what the Feds did and didnt know about his position on the street, and will the Staties use Mark as a witness- and will he be credible.