State Police say they have Rossetti on tape catching up with his handler over forty times, and that when asked if Rossetti was a co-operator, the Bureau denied it.

The Bureau, for it's part insisted via press release (as it would) that employee's "did not engage in any inappropriate activity".

Smacks of the same tactics the Boston office had in play during the Bulger/Flemmi fiasco.

You know who I think about? Peter Limone. Guy does over 30 years for a murder he wasn't in on (despite being a well known gangster, none the less) 'cause an old mutt like H. Paul Rico had a hard-on for him. "Whaddya want, tears?"

If I was Peter Limone, Id make sure they note "time served" as a sentencing. Seriously, if I was a crabby old mobster that'd just done thirty years without bitching out, Id expect to be made Boss of the Family too.
