I wanted nto mention too one scene in particular. When Omar wakes up one morning to find his boyfriend has eaten all the Honey Nut cereal, who puts on his silk bathrobe and walks down to the shop to pick some up. As he's walking, the hoppers all start their calling; "Omar comin'!"

As the streets clear as he walks through them, he pauses to light a cigarette, and leans against a building. The dealers inside, assuming he's come to rip and run, throw down their cash and drugs through the window. He shrugs, pick's them up and walks home.

Scene's such as this one contibuted to making the show so damn dynamic. It fucked around with the stereotypical, one-dimensional portrayal of criminals and so called thugs, and called gender constraints into question. I mean, the openly gay Omar, far from being the simpering type often characterized, is one of the most feared and dangerous people on the show. And there's a reason that Stephen King descibed Snoop Pearson as "perhaps the most terrifying female villian to ever appear on television".
