Originally Posted By: Longneck
I think that The Sopranos final season might be weighing too much on the entire series in my head. The final season was rushed and frankly, garbage, when compared the the first 5. I think The Sopranos would have benefited from combining season 6 and 7 (fuck this a and b shit, it's 2 seasons, so it's 6 and 7) into 1 13 episode season.

Completely agree. Don't need to add anything.

Still, I favore the Sopranos above the Wire. But I'm now halfway season 4 and the show is getting better and better. The first season was pretty boring and I needed to to get used to the show's style.

The things, I'm not sure if the Sopranos is actually better, technically speaking. But I'm more intrigued in the world of the Sopranos than that of the Wire which explains why I favor the Sopranos.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."