Well to answer everyone's post's respectively, meaning in order, I feel that in Revere Anthony Spagnolo and The Lightbody's are going to get a burn from Mark churping. Anthony Spagnolo was close with Mark the last 10 years, since he was released in the Digiacomo case, so Mark should have something to tell the Feds about his current activities. The statewide grandjury that indicted Mark Rossetti, a few people called in on Gerald Sarro testified that the machines used in "The Bunker" that were illegal poker machines, were operated by the Lightbody's with Mark Rossetti's permission. "The Bunker" is Mark Rossetti's club and building, and the operator was Gerald Sarro. Now if Mark is used as a witness he can basically get the Lightbody's on illegal gambling with the machines. Also if he is a credible witness, Anthony Spagnolo, Carmen Dinunzio, Anthony Dinunzio, Darin Bufalino, Mike Prochilo Sr, Mike Prochilo Jr, Joseph Prochilo, Edward Harris, the Lightbody's, Peter Limone, Robert Deluca, William Angelesco, and Luigi "Baby Shack's" Manocchio I got to think are in trouble. The last men high ranking guys left on the street are Bobby Corozza, Pryce Quintina, Vinny Ferrara, Frederick Simone, and Vincent Gioacchini. The word is Giaocchini is completely shelved and is no longer respected as a soldier, he is a outcast. The guy that will step out is Bobby Corozza, but he currently has state charges pending against him. If he goes down, my guess then would be Ferrara, or someone in Providence like Anthony Parrillo. Now shifting again, I don't see Scarpelli, Giangrande, Lillo Fabo, and Sal Marino getting made until maybe Gregory Costa is elevated because that is originally who they worked for as associates. If Costa becomes a Capo, then they will be inducted to his Regime, this is of course depending on Billy Angelesco, but Mark might have goods on him. We'll see, hope that answers alot guys.

Last edited by vinnygorgeous217; 08/15/11 03:54 PM.