...and here's yet another from The Land of the World's Stupidest Criminals:

A man accused of being a serial eat-and-runner was arrested by police after running from a restaurant without paying his bill.
Police were tipped by email about a man who had on several occasions eaten at a restaurant, then claimed medical distress in order to avoid paying the bill.

At 9:15 p.m., an officer answered a call about a man who fled after refusing to pay the $75.45 bill for his food and drinks at Monsoon on the Square, according to a police report.

"An employee told the officer that Patten initially tried to pay his bill with a Sears credit card, so she asked him if he had another credit card or cash to pay the bill," said Lt. Andy Reinhardt. "Patten looked through his wallet, and the employee saw he did not have any cash or other credit cards."

When the employee told Patten she would call police if he didn't pay his bill, Patten jumped the fence out of the restaurant's courtyard, ran north, jumped another fence into the parking lot of the Hassayampa Hotel, and ran down an alley, according to the police report.

Soon afterwards, dispatch received a call about a suspicious man on the porch of a home in the 100 block of Alarcon who turned out to be Patten, according to police reports.

Patten had a laceration to his head and appeared to be having a seizure so the officer called for emergency medical services and Life Line Ambulance took Patten to Yavapai Regional Medical Center for treatment, according to police reports.

At the hospital, Patten would not hold still when staff took a CT scan of his head and tried to remove his C-spine collar after being told he might have a neck injury, Reinhardt said.

When a nurse said he would be restrained, Patten said "This is not going to happen." He then fought three officers trying to help the nurse restrain him and refused repeated officer commands to stop fighting. An officer Tased him and restrained him, according to the police report.

Police recognized the name Byron Patten from an interoffice email sent out by the Fire Department. Fire Department personnel said they had contact with Patten on several occasions. The email stated that Patten eats a whole meal at a restaurant and then complains of a medical condition and is transported to the hospital to get out of paying the bill.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.