Jeez Mickey, tell us how you really feel! LOL

I own The Wire box set as well as The Sopranos. I love both of them
equally. I think they are both great series, just different.
Kind of like your kids I guess. Haha
A friend of mine is the DA here and he loves The Wire as well.
He says it's the truest depiction of how local politics work, especially
the season where Carcetti runs for mayor and all the bullshit you
have to put up with

And honestly, who wouldn't want to be McNulty? Or as Bubbles calls
him, "McNutty" That guy gets more ass than a toilet seat. I love the
scene where he's banging that chic on the hood of the car outside
the bar and a patrol car pulls up and flashes him with the lights
McNulty reaches down to his pants and pulls out his badge.
The cops leave and he starts back slamming that babe!
Fricking hilarious! He's da Man! LOL

"You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it in the
streets. You do it at home. The rest is bullshit and you know it."
----Mean Streets---

"Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you
pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me. It was
beautiful!". ---Henry Hill in "Goodfellas"