Oh yeah, just remembered something about the "pine Barrens" episode, which is also one of my favorites.

When Tony called Paulie and told him about the Russian guy was a former Russian Special Forces guy and had killed 13 Chechnian rebels by himself, as aludded to in an earlier post, Paulie says, "Why would he kill 13 Czechoslovakians?"
I literally had Dr. Pepper running out of my nose I was laughing so hard. lol

What's interesting is that the prevailing attitudes by most of the characters throughout the series is either "Why me?" or "No good deed goes unpunished"

"You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it in the
streets. You do it at home. The rest is bullshit and you know it."
----Mean Streets---

"Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you
pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me. It was
beautiful!". ---Henry Hill in "Goodfellas"