Mike Spagnolo and Floramo's sons ??? Are you sure they're made?
What did they do to "make their bones?" In the old days you had to do a "piece of busines," or, be a good "earner??????"

Didn't see some other EB guys on your lists that may be involved...Festa ?? Sparky or Spanky ???? Ciampa ? Damelio ? Zampante ? Zullo ? Zirpolo ? Farro ? Cartolano ? And what about the kid who owns "RAIN" on Malden, the undertaker in Eastie, or the guy they call BA from Revere ??

Still no further info Onesimos, Bono's Gagliones, Casellas, or Margareci's ? Actually, that last one could be Mattarese ??

As for Markie R., having known him and his Dad, I find it almost impossible to believe he'd flip!