Boss - Carlo Gambino
Underboss - Tommy Lucchese
Consigliere - Vincent Gigante

Street Boss - Paul Vario or maybe even Ligambi. Too difficult to say.
Messaggero - Gaetano Gagliano, able to disappear to spread messages and here to give Lucchese a man on the street

Capo - Anthony Scotto
Capo - Frank Sinito
Capo - Salvatore Sabella, old timer with time to mentor, and he does it great
Capo - Joseph Zerilli, territory disputes
Capo - Joe Aiuppa, kept on a tight leash in NY
Capo - Dominick Brooklier, low-ranking but good strategist to run possible Western faction
Capo - Joseph Todaro Sr, to run possible New England faction

Capo - Michael Lancelotti, "The feds are coming. Quick. Do what Lancelotti is doing"
[Lancelotti] Soldier - Joe Ligambi, role reversal between him and Lancelotti since we see now who is really immune to indictments

Capo - Jimmy Failla
[Failla] Soldier - Alphonse Malangone, to complement Failla and Gigante and take the load off them

Capo - Frank Costello, semi-independent so long as he lends a hand
[Costello] Soldier - Jake Guzik, fill-in for Costello / protege
[Costello] Soldier - Willie Moretti, private NJ army acts as intimidation for Costello and Guzik operations

Capo - Paul Vario
[Vario] Soldier - Robert DiBernardo, the sole master of pornographic rackets who was safer as a soldier
[Vario] Soldier - Anthony Peraino, taking a gamble on pornography. He and DiB would make it international, and huge

Soldier - John Stallupi, powerhouse earner that provides endless opportunity in the vehicle trade
Soldier - Christie Furnari, without management duties could quietly solve disputes and search for earners
Soldier - John Franzese - when the time does come to hit someone

Last edited by BarrettM; 07/16/11 03:59 AM.