Michele Bachmann is first GOP presidential candidate to sign pledge banning gay marriage, porn

BY Aliyah Shahid

No porn for you! At least if Michele Bachmann has anything to say about it.

The GOP congresswoman is the first presidential candidate to sign a pledge that calls for banning all forms of pornography and gay marriage. It also requires fidelity between spouses.

"The Marriage Vow" is being pushed by Family Leader, an influential Christian conservative Iowa group.

It also states that homosexuality is a choice and a health risk - and should be compared to polygamy or adultery.

The pledge also calls for rejecting Sharia law, appointing faithful constitutionalists as judges and opposing any effort to redefine marriage between man and woman.

Family Leader CEO Bob Vander Plaats has said his group would not endorse any candidates that did not sign the pledge.

"The Family Leader views this pledge as an important component needed to inform constituents about the personal stand that each presidential candidate takes regarding marriage," said Vander Plaats, who unsuccessfully ran for governor of Iowa in 2010.

"We believe that the candidates' positions on core values, such as marriage, correlate directly to his/her moral stances on energy issues, sound budgeting policies, national defense, and economic policies," he added.

Alice Stewart, a spokeswoman for Bachmann, told the Washington Post that the 54-year-old social conservative did not hesitate to sign the pledge.

"She has been married for over 30 years and has a strong marriage and faith," Stewart said.

No other candidates have signed the pledge yet.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics...l#ixzz1RXu3Nblg

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