Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
An absolutely beautiful little girl. What a shame. frown

I heard yesterday that Casey is saying she wants to have another baby. Can you imagine? She will be free to do whatever she wants.


Originally Posted By: fathersson

Pop said it best. (Camillus Don)
Now this screw up with this child killer Casey Anthony brings things right back to the top for me. How can we as people stand here and let a woman who killed her own child get away with this?

It's amazing. Giving her the benefit of the doubt that she is innocent ( not aquitted of the charges but actually innocent) the first thing any decent and loving mother would say is that they would now want to find the person responsible for killing their child.

But then again...why would we expect something like that to be said by a mother who went out dancing the night away while her child was missing, waiting over a month before reporting the child missing, and lying to police on FOUR different occasions!

If it smells like shit and looks like shit..it usually IS shit.

Whether she killed her child or not...in my eyes...she still is a piece of shit.

It's a shame that she was not charged with some kind of child negligence charge ( I don't believe that Florida has a charge like that in their state...dontomasso can you educate us on this?) because there was no way that they COULD have aquitted her on that kind of a charge.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.