Bonnano - Massino (agree - shouldn't be up for debate at all)
Colombo - Persico
Lucchese - Amuso, I guess..but we should all be probably really saying Casso technically
Gambino - Gotti
Genovese - Genovese himself. Out of all the bosses they've had he's gotten them in the most trouble and done the most damage, which is crazy to think but its probably true

Any boss, Persico, Rastelli, post-Gravano Gotti , who tries to run shit from the can is a horrible boss IMO. Besides Gigante but he had a ruling panel of top guys that would each make great bosses in their own right. and it seemed like he was in control in the can for the sake of the family instead of trying to hold onto power/money himself . Corallo - now that was a class act , officially stepping down when he went away. my opinion