Originally Posted By: jvanley
It is painfully obvious that the extensiveness of your "toughness" within yourself does not go beyond your keyboard. Basically, you have no idea what your talking about. Go back and look at my original post, as I said being tough is not winning every fight you get into, thats skill. In fact, Mike Tyson said he lost 60 percent of the street fights he got into outside the ring because they guys he was fighting were AND I QUOTE "much tougher in all areas than I was, I was really just a pathetic scared person out of the ring" but yet when he got into the ring he killed people, again my friend THAT IS SKILL.

What I am saying this: Never once did I say that we was tough simply because he beat the shit out of Vic Amuso, I said he beat the shit out of Vic Amuso fully knowing the consequences that it could bring,

ok # 1 buddy you don't know me so don't sit here and yap about my toughness through a keyboard. i don't know you as well so im not going to sit here and take shots as well. but i will tell you ive lived more of my street life. done the whole guns, fighting, fighting cops, get tasered, gettin my ass beat, beating ass, selling heroin, going to prison, goin to the hole, all kinds of shit. does that make me tough no? do i deserve more respect than to be called a tough guy with a keyboard yes.

#2 mike tyson was a street thug out of the ring. so i dunno what thats all about.

#3 ask how any luchesse guys if they give 2 shits about vic amuso. hes boss in name only. just like persico.

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!