Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
Or when you are at Tomatoe's in Margate with a bunch yuppies and they see you at the bar and they see Uncle Joe walk by you and stop and talk to you for a few minutes. Everybody sees you different. Or when you walk in Maloney's bar on a sunday afternoon in Margate and Merlino is there and he only shakes your hand, but people see that shit and they act different towards you.

Did you really just say this? or the post before? Come on dude. Nobody looks at you like your someone cause you said hi. Almost everyone shakes these dudes hands thinking there someboday. And a couple of these places you mention are closed these days. Do you still work at memories? I have friends who work there. They know I don't go in there anymore...I can't stand how packed it is on saturday and to south philly at times. Theres 200 Flamingos in there. lol But even if they heard you say this shit ...they would laugh at you to. I hope you don't think strippers talk to you cause they love you to.