Originally Posted By: BarrettM
I think it's interesting how the ultimate offense in the Bonanno Family is disrespect. Seems ever since Rastelli, it's been about that. Whereas in the Genoveses, it's all about efficiency. Adolfo Bruno was likely killed as a warning to captains who stop earning the weekly quota, Mickey Spillane's men and Tony Bananas were all killed just to make way for bigger business ventures. In the other families, motives are too varied to put a finger on just one. But in the Bonannos, there sure seems to be a pattern, many killings, all over disrespect.

lets not forget frank santoro who was shotgunned by vinny basciano/dominick cicale to deathh for threatening to kidnap one of vinnys son's

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.