Originally Posted By: SC
Apparently Anthony Weiner is taking a temporary leave from his job. He announced earlier this afternoon that he was going to get some evaluation and treatment to help him become a better husband....


Considering how Weiner behaved in the days before having no choice but to admitting the truth, I think this is a phony stunt to appear sincere and avoid further pressure to resign. To request a 'short leave' from Congress for evaluation and treatment is a very on-the-surface remedy to his problems.

In addition, while he is on leave that would be one less vote in Congress for his State and his party, which is already in the minority. So this 'treatment' business is purely a self-serving move on Weiner's part.

It's not simply a matter of keeping his dick in his pants. True, he needs to deal with his personal life...which should really come first. But this latest stunt will not change how he addressed the scandal from Day One, nor will it repair the damage he's done to both his credibility AND his political career. All he's doing now is sweeping dirt under the rug.


Last edited by AppleOnYa; 06/12/11 09:56 AM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.