Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
For anyone who sees Romney '12 as Kerry '04, you're gonna love this.

Take this interview the other night, when Piers Morgan at CNN asked Mitt Romney this simple question: "Is Homosexuality a sin?"

MORGAN: Do you personally think homosexuality is a sin?

M. ROMNEY: Nice try, but I'm not going to get into --

MORGAN: That's a valid question, isn't it?

M. ROMNEY: It's a valid question and my answer is nice try. I'm not -- I'm not going to --

MORGAN: Nice try at what?

M. ROMNEY: I'm going to tell you that as a -- as a leader of the American people, I will do everything in my power to treat all people with respect and dignity and to -- and to advance the rights people have to choose their own course in life.

MORGAN: There are people watching you saying, "Nice try," Piers, repeatedly, saying, well, why doesn't he just answer the question?

M. ROMNEY: Well, for instance, if you were to say to me, do you think adultery is a sin, do you think someone who -- who -- who does something you disagree with is a sin?

Look, those are terms in the religious context. I'm not here in a religious context. I'm here as a candidate for president. And as a candidate for president or as a president, I would have to represent the interests of all the people. And I don't distinguish between sin and sinner as I'm -- as I'm looking at --

MORGAN: So if you were made president --

M. ROMNEY: -- as -- as I'm looking at a president. I --

MORGAN: If you were made president, you wouldn't make any pronouncements whatsoever of a personal nature about any form of personal behavior?

M. ROMNEY: Well, I -- I'm not quite sure what -- what you're referring to...


MORGAN: -- just hide all that behind the...

M. ROMNEY: I can't -- I can't...

MORGAN: -- of religious belief.

M. ROMNEY: It's hard -- it's hard for me to imagine describing something as a sin in a political sense. You can talk about something being wrong, about something being evil. There are -- there are murderers. That's evil and that's wrong. It also happens to be sin, according to most religions.

But -- but the -- but if the terminology is religious terminology, that's probably not something which -- which would figure into -- to public policy.


lol Oh man, I love this question. Wow, Mitt came off like a complete idiot here. If I was a religious homosexual and I heard that, I'd be madder than a midget with a yo-yo. Even as someone of little faith, I'm a little offended by that answer. He obviously believes homosexuality is wrong.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008