Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
Yep, Anthony Weiner finally came clean.

Weiner originally represented parts of Brooklyn - my territory - and now also represents parts of the borough of Queens. I guess I'm more than a little ticked off for personal as well as political reasons.

Will he stay in office? Well, he won't be resigning, if that's what was meant. But, will he be re-elected? Honestly, I can't even hazard a guess at this point. I'm sure if we looked skyward today, we might see his political enemies circling overhead like buzzards. Over the last few days, Weiner's weasely evasiveness and confrontational attitude didn't help any, that's for sure. If today's admissions and apologies don't salvage his politcal career, I don't think anything will.

On the news today, the reaction from people on the streets was mixed.

"In the Congress,
The mighty Congress,
The liar Tweets tonight..."

Perhaps we should retitle this thread Erection 2011? whistle

Signor V.

lol Or as Jon Stewart called it last week, "The Big Wang Theory." lol


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 06/06/11 07:21 PM.

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