Arrright, Ima geddin-in-on-dis.

The fact of the matter is, anyone who would even make a post asking this question is undoubtedly guilty of mob fanboyism, considering the pain & ache such mobsters cause/caused, & their general inability to conduct themselves in a manner befitting an honest person, ie; one who's fundamental inclination is one at odds with honest existence.

Having said that, I am going to say:

RULING PANEL: Lucky Luciano, Carlo Gambino, Gaetano Lucchese, Anthony Accardo, Angelo Bruno, Santo Trafficante, Carlos Marcello & Joseph Todaro Sr.

CAPOREGIME: Vito Genovese, Joe Bonanno, Joe Colombo, Joe Profaci, Vito Rizzuto, Carmine Galante, Joe Massino, Aniello Migliore, Mike Miranda, Sonny Franzese, Carmine Persico, John Gotti, Joe Ligambi & Joe Todaro Jr, Jack Dragna,

SOLDATI: Under the respective Family of each theoretical Capo Id have pretty much any mobster that distinguished himself amongst the riff-raff of his respective Family; for instance, Id have guys like John Stallupi & Joe Gallo under guys like Franzese & Persico, guys like Jimmy Brown Failla, Roy DeMeo & Joe Arcuri under guys like Gotti, & guys like Joey the Clown & Mad Sam DeStefano under Accardo. My family would be composed of each & evey mobster that made himself known amongstb the general bullshit.

Honestly, I feel kinda embarrassed to have indulged myself in such blatent mob groupie-ness, but funnily enough Im more interested in what people have to say about my choices rather then what they have to say aboutme responding to such a question.
