I don't watch the show, but Joe and Teresa Giudice are over 11 million dollars in debt. It's been well publicized in the New York area papers. There was an article just the other day stating that she's now "renting" herself out to watch the show with. In other words, if you'll pay her a fee, she'll come to your home and watch "Real Housewives" with you. Pretty tacky and desperate if you ask me. The husband strikes me as a wannabe, but who knows? Maybe he has an uncle or something.

As far as making that kind of money: If you're not making it by your early 40s, you're probably never going to make it. That's my opinion, anyway. I mean, how many people become successful when the get past middle-age?

Opportunities are fewer after you reach 40, not more abundant. You gotta be a go getter and make it while you're young! lol

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.