Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I haven't been outside yet this morning but will be leaving for my run shortly. It's suppose to be beautiful here today as well (high 70's) and it is sunny. I can't (and especially after what a lot of states/countries are going through,won't) complain at all. smile

TIS, "a run". I remember awhile back when you kicked the smokes. If you are running, I assume you've conquered the habit - fantastic! I did a 2 mile jog this morning; 48 degrees, dry and sunny. Great weather.

According to the weather folks, the global warming is affecting the weather by creating more extremes. People take global warming literally, but not the case. The oceans get little warmer which triggers other factors like hurricanes and high and lows in barometric pressure and greater contrasts between high and low pressure systems - hence a greater chance for tornadoes and severe weather.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12