@BarrettM, most of the Outfit's most sadistic, ruthless killers were members of a gang called the 42 Gang, a sort of farm team for the Chicago Outfit;Giancana,DeStefano,Buccieri,& Battaglia are just a few who went on to Outfit stardom. Have you heard about Sam's drug addicted brother Michael, well if there was one thing in which Sam and most of the Outfit old timers didn't like was "the babania", drugs. Every Boss received a share, they just either didn't know where it came from or chose to be selective in their ways, after all, THEY ALL TOOK THE MONEY made from drug sales in one form or another. Well, Sam decided to put his brother out of his misery, he whacked him out and then proceeded to clean him, he actually washed him, trying to take any marks or traces of drugs off of the dead body. He supposedly said that he'd rather have his brother dead than have to see him as a junkie! Not to mention, the order came down that Michael was making too much of a problem, robbing Outfit connected gamblers
and money carriers, so Sam quickly got the job done.