Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
This isn't conspiracy garbage. You can't deny that Obama attended the church of an anti American preacher who more or less supported Bin Laden and 911. You also can't deny that there's an inherent anti American/Western subversiveness present in modern Islamic 'teachings', and that this president is, or at least was, right in line with that kind of garbage.

Not that I'd vote for him, but this Trump momentum that seems to get bigger everyday is starting to remind me of Hitler's sudden rise* in terms of scope and power. He's just saying f*you, we're taking this country back from the Lefty Communist pseudo Academics who hate the same white man that built and founded this country on his back and with his blood. You Lefties smoked too much pot in the 60's but now think you're capable of running a country and it ain't happening.

*-(NOt that I'm a proponent of Nazism, we're just talking.)

Ok. I thought you were being tongue in cheek but I guess not.
It does kind of show how out there the Obama hatred is.
Reverend Wright supported Bin Laden and 9-11?
Right. Citation?

Modern Islamic teachings are inherently anti-American?
I was raised Muslim. I don't see it. I would venture a guess that even today I know more Muslims than you do. Muslims come in all sorts of categories, political viewpoints, personalities,etc. just like Jews, Whites, and any other group. Some are good; some are bad.

Neither Wright nor Obama is Muslim so again I don't know why people keep bringing that up. I guess since the birth certificate thing didn't pan out back to plan B.

As far as the race element again it doesn't seem to matter how much Obama himself tries to distance himself from it, there are evidently a number of people who are quite peeved that a Black man had the audacity to go to Harvard, the audacity to run for President and God forbid the nerve to win.
He is Black, yes. It doesn't mean he's good, bad or indifferent-just that his skin has more melanin than some. Watching the meltdown of the Right over this is humorous or would be if they weren't drifting past the loony event horizon.

As far as "taking the country back" perhaps you can explain what that means. This country was multiracial from its founding. It was built by various people. In the last 40-50 years it's seen the removal of the legal pedestals of segregation and white supremacy. That was a good thing.

So anyone who wants to "take the country back" should perhaps explain how far back they want to go. Because the days of a 90%+ white electorate are gone forever.

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungleā€”as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.