Originally Posted By: XDCX
Couldn't have said it better, mate. I was as shocked as anyone at Edge's sudden departure, but at least he got to leave the company on top. It's a damn good thing the doctors discovered the problem when they did. Now he won't have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

So long to one of the greatest workers this company has ever seen. Thanks for the memories, Edge.

Not just all that, but he also got to leave the ring with his dignity intact, and with the respect of everybody. Which can't be said for Edge's former coworkers Matt & Jeff Hardy. Talk about two guys who pissed away their legacies and have become laughing stocks of the industry. (Less said about Jeff's public meltdown, the better.)

~Matt after the Edge retirement making a quip that Jeff might retire himself too from a neck injury - Good taste fellas, haha! Fucking douchebag.

Originally Posted By: XDCX

The good news is that good ol' Captain Charisma, Christian, may have a chance as the top man on SmackDown now. The bad news is that the WWE has diminished the prestige of both World titles so much that it really wouldn't mean much anyway.

The SD main event was derth even before Edge's retirement. Del Rio is awesome, on his way to champion but management didn't believe he was ready yet at Wrestlemania. And as much as I love Christian and I am rooting for him to win the belt at Extreme Rulez PPV, Vince at best thinks of him as an upper mid-card reliable veteran, a stopgap in the main event when called for. (Think Kane.)

Well he's called for to take over. I assume he wins, has a short transistional reign, then drops it to Del Rio.

~Of course the WWE Draft throws all that into limbo. I'm certain Daniel Bryan (among others) are getting shipped off to friday nights to help shore up that weak roster.