The establishment tries to cut him down before its too late.

Club for Growth slams Trump as 'tax-hiking liberal'

He's made the round of talk shows discussing what's wrong with President Obama and U.S. standing in around the globe. The billionaire real estate executive has gone from Republican to Democrat to independent and now back to Republican, proclaiming on Sean Hannity's show that he's "very conservative."

The fiscally conservative group Club for Growth, which has had some success backing GOP candidates on the political right, doesn't think so.

In a news release today, the Club for Growth slams Trump as a "tax-hiking liberal" who backs "single-payer health care" and protectionism. The group's news release goes on to quote passages from Trump's 2000 book, The America We Deserve, and reports on Fox News and CNN highlighting Trump's past statements.

One example from the book: Trump said "we must have universal health care" and eventually move to a "single-payer plan that is affordable, well-administered and provides freedom of choice."

Source: USA Today

And Trump has gotten his first endorsement.

Gary Busey: Trump would be 'absolutely good' president


He also said he would vote for Donald Trump, even though he fired him [on APPRENTICE], because he "would be an absolutely good" president. "He knows about this country. He knows the situation we're in now. I have great respect for sitting president Barack Obama. I will not dismiss that."