Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

RR, you know what? I won't laugh because anything is possible. From all indications Bachman is loved not only in not only Minnesota, but I hear Iowa as well, and of course in the TP circles. She can draw a crowd, raise lots of money and spins a good yarn(although many times inaccurate yarns). lol

She has more energy and spunk then any of the other boring candidates so far. She'll give the other R's a good run for their money. Once Christie throws his hat in the ring, that'll be her main competition. Then, barring anything major snags, IMHO they'll both die down in popularity and Obama will win a second term.


Originally Posted By: Lilo
I would be very surprised if Michele "You can see the crazy in my eyes, just look" Bachmann gets any support beyond a very small coterie of like minded people.

I think the true 2012 Republican Candidate has yet to reveal himself (herself)

Here's my argument for Bachmann, and I'm thinking of McGovern. He had an energetic grassroots campaign* (if not necessarily the candidate) that satisfied the bloodtaste of an angry insurgent anti-war base when every other has-been/never-will candidate in the field couldn't cut the mustard or had unacceptable flaws to them.

Hell Romney is practically asking to be compared to Ed Muskie. Muskie was a heavy favorite for the '72 nomination despite being pro-Vietnam (he was Humphrey's '68 running mate) simply because he could (briefly) outpoll Nixon. When that became untrue, his campaign died with him. Which former Governor does this remind you of?

Of all the candidates trying to appeal to the Teabaggers, Bachmann is the only one that is certifiably one of them without doing too much dancing or bullshitting, able to make those issue positions safely from her House seat protected by Gerrymandering. She is the "real deal," without the Palin baggage. Huckabee, Romney, and potentially Christie all have had to deal with the reality-based decisions they made as Governors. And she could pounce on them for that.

On paper of course.

*=Two young major campaign members: The Clintons. Bubba in fact ran the McGovern office in Texas. The national campaign was managed by Gary Hart, who before some "Monkey Business," was a strong candidate for President.