There's no way Trump runs for real, and there is one simple reason:

Financial Disclosure.

Trump has kept his finances very private because as a real estate promoter, and as a plain promoter in general he needs to maintain the appearance that he is worth a great deal more than he really is. He's gone broke before, and a couple of years ago he sued and blocked publication of information that
allegedly placed his net worth at about $200 million. Thats a lot to most of us, but Trump would have us think he is worth billions, but he isn't. Trump ' s birther business is more than crazy, but the bottom line is that Trump is all about getting publicity for Trump, and this whole political thing is just one more way for him to do it.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."