Great points JVanley, totally agree.

Actually, just wanted to point out that despite understanding an undecover agents belief in his own hype & egotistical tendencies, I want it known that I do actually hold Pistone in much higher esteem then Garcia. What Pistone did was legendary; Garcia fooled an old guy that had it coming anyway, who was his only significant takedown.

To his (possible) credit, I think he may have identified a few more guys & help obtain a few smaller convictions then is being
Like Petey Chops, Robert Vaccaro, Loius Filipelli & Nicky LaSorsa, amongst others? According to him at least the 29 other indictments besides DePalma handed dowm because of him resulted in guilty pleas. I may be totally wrong on this.

Oh, & he does mention Tony Genius Megale. & Tommy Sneakers Cacciopoli. & a couple other mid level capo's.

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 03/13/11 11:39 PM.
