Originally Posted By: EVL
I have to say -- all of Jerry Capeci's books are great: two are focused primarily on John Gotti (Mobstar, which was written while Gotti was still Gambino boss and uses a lot of fascinating wiretapped conversations, and Gotti: Rise and Fall, which tells the whole story), but I actually like Murder Machine the best, which is about the Roy DeMeo crew of psychotic murdering car thieves and the DeMeo/Gambino capo Nino Gaggi partnership.

Selwyn Raabs's Five Families is, to me, the bible of organized crime, tracing it from its roots to the present. You can't not read it if you are a fan of this genre. Sure, it's long, but it is so compellingly written I went right through it.

I just started reading the First Family by Mike Dash which is unique in that it focuses on the Morello Family, the first crime family in America, and focuses on the American mafia in the pre-1930 period, before the Masseria and Maranzano war which Luck Luciano stepped in and ended, then organized the mob into the Five Families we still now today (although Profaci was renamed Colombo for causing problems for other bosses).

Someone who has no idea what the Mafia is could read that book and then speak on teh conversation as though they are a journalist covering the Mob. EXCELLENT informative read. It has funny stories, loads of information, true accounts ,everything a true crime book should have. It is the best book I have ever read by far. Covers from the begginging of LCN up to current times of the Sopranos.

FatGirl:Your cute
FatGirl:So you wanna buy me a drink?
FatGirl:Why not?
Me:Well Its tricky pumpkin,If I buy u a drink, every fat girl in here would think I liked fat girls & ask me to buy them a drink also. See ,I dont like fat girls unless im wasted and given Im only one drink deep so far, so you better buy me the drink honey, cause this 20 bucks aint covering the booze and drive thru ill need to take you home tonight

08/13/2009-jvanley Spanky Bar, 3rd stool from the left