Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

I believe it was basically for being pregnant out of wedlock, and thanking her boyfriend in her Oscar acceptance speech for giving her 'the greatest gift', their unborn child.

He claims it sends the wrong message to less financially well off single mothers, who will mistakenly think it's so easy because movie stars do it.

I believe Portman and beau are engaged, to be fair. Incidentally, Bristol Palin and ole Levi were also "engaged" when that baby came out until they split up. Bristol did DANCING WITH THE STARS and Levi did PlayGirl, and we all moved on to newer, dumber stories. Thank you Charles Sheen.

Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

The whole thing was set up by a question from conservative talk show host Michael Medved. But...it was a bit ridiculous to single out Ms. Portman, and if the intent was to play to his base it'll get him about as far as he got in 2008 (I think he was one of the first to drop out).

Actually, Huckabee has no chance in 2012 to begin with so what the heck he may as well say whatever he wants.

I got the impression he might not even run when he criticized the war in Afghanistan.

"I’m asking people, 'Tell me what is it we do to say we are done? Help me to understand because I’m not sure.' What does the end game look like here? I can't see a conclusion."
Huckabee said that, though he has faith in the military, he’s had doubts about the war since his visit there in 2006. "You go to Afghanistan, you look around and you say, 'My gosh, am I in a country or on the surface of the moon?' You can't grow anything but poppies. And the government is so incredibly and hopeless corrupt. And I don't see that changing any."

Something that frank and quite frankly honest is not said by a prospective, major candidate for a presidential nomination. Unless you're a fringer like Ron Paul who has fat chance.

~What do George McGovern, George McClellan, and Wendell Wilkie have in common? Anti-war nominees don't win the Presidency.