Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous
I bet she's a squirter. I mean look at her..she's an animal.

And also you can tell a lot about a person by looking at the people they hang out with.

i truely believe that there are classier women on low budget internet porn sites! what she did on her tv shows and her books are just unforgivable. i think joan rivers has aged better than victoria! ive heard and read before that she would run around howards beach screaming at people "do you know who my father is?" so it does not suprize me at all that she married into the life. i think she saw a semi financial gain and was more attracted to the fear and danger of the mob. but once again vinny hit the nail on the head, you are definitely judged by the company you keep. also with victoria actions speak louder than words....and if anyone caught that 48hr special with her and her fat brother was such hogwash! sorry everyone i just have a very strong dislike for this woman and her 3 daughters...oops i mean sons!

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!