Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Survivor is about outwitting. While it's true, you need people to get you to the end, you should not have to worry about sore losers. If you outplay me, then you're gonna get my vote. This is what ruined Survivor and why Russell got robbed. He was clearly the best player in the game and everyone recognized it. An entire country voted for him. An entire country is deluded? I don't think so.

It's part of the game that you have to scheme to make it to the finale and at the same time, get those same people to vote you to win. Russell lacks this balance. Perhaps he'll have it this season.

As for America's vote - it's a vote ultimately for the controversy and intrigue that he brings.

Like I said before, he has a game strategy and he seems to carry it out to the fullest, but it's flawed.