Well, Southerners like moi don't get a lot of the white stuff, so when it comes, it's both scary, and yet, entertaining to watch. Prelude: The local weathermen (they CALL themselves "meteorologists," but they're weathermen) broadcast that a "Winter Storm" is imminent. It can be 1/2" or 10" accumulation possible, but all of that's irrelevant: it's SNOW-MA-GEDDON, man!
Stage II: The local yokels freak! Suddenly it occurs to them that *gasp!* there's no milk! The bread's almost gone! I gotta buy a tank of gas! We could be snowed in for days! Maybe even weeks!
Stage III: Grocery stores & gas stations are overwhelmed. People cuss, shove, and honk furiously. Curiously, liquor stores have a bonanza in sales.
Stage IV: The snow arrives (and, sometimes, it DON'T...thus, our omniscient "meteorologists").
Stage V: OK, we end up with 5". Some try to go on in to work, most won't. Yours Truly braves it. No problem, for the most part. But I never worry about ME...it's my fellow Memphis morons that frighten me.
Stage VI: By the end of Day 2, after 5" of snow fell over a seven-hour window, there were over 300 wrecks (and those were just the reported ones)! The sun comes out, the snow is mostly gone. But it doesn't matter because those who called in because of snow today because of snow, will undoubtedly call in tomorrow, too...but this time, they're suddenly "sick." The real reason? (1.) Tomorrow's Friday, and (2.) Most are hungover from their liquor store stop yesterday!
Welcome to Memphis under snow these last 48 hours! (BTW: These poor saps can't drive when it's dry and sunny, either!) Hey, I love my fellow Memphians, but, as someone once said, "It's easy to love folly."

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)