Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

For my SEPIRA, we use our local bank's investment division, and our bonds we use a brokerage house. We also have a 403b and a 401k from old jobs which are small, so we've just left them in place.

My folks have a SEPIRA also, SB, and my dad still uses a broker for some stuff but I help him stay diversified in the market. It's tough to eek out those profits if you don't actively manage, but really, as internet savy and current events oriented as some of our members here on the bb are, it'd almost be silly not to try and atleast make a few bucks off the market on their own.

Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Apple's stock is down almost 15 points today in the wake of news that CEO Steve Jobs is taking another medical leave. Quite frankly, I can't believe more people don't sell short Apple (and Google as well for that matter).

Steve Jobs is maybe the greatest CEO of our era, and I'm glad to see Apple rallied big time after that initial plummet. This is the third time he's taken an indefinitie medical leave, btw.

I'm with you on google, in that I wouldn't invest too directly, but Apple is relatively cheaply priced, and they actually finished up today and are now reporting serious earnings in spite of Jobs' uncertain future.

I'm not a tech guy, but investing in cloud computing is the way to go for investors who want to get into the tech sector (and every investor wants to get in the tech sector.)