Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Is the Tea Party to blame for this particular tragedy? Is Sarah Palin? No.

I disagree; respectfully. I think both sides have blood on their hands for this one, ron, and it seems I'm not in the minority on that one here on these boards.

And a little off topic, but you have to give your South Eastern brethren credit for one thing: everything weird happens in Florida and Germany, right? Well, now the Wild, Wild West appears to be back on the lunatic scene after Saturday's tragedy(not to mention the holocaust taking place in Northern Mexico, SW United States with the drug cartels).

But even with all the cousin fucking, rebel flag wearing, and gun toting machoism that goes on down there in your neck of the woods, it's out in the country, and people can choose to get up and move out of the frickin woods anytime they want. You don't hear about terrorism taking place out in the country and small rural towns (even in the big towns).

But when you combine these small minded personalities with a burgeoning infrastructure and technologically inclined cultural landscape you get rogue-outcasts like this kid in AZ, who can walk out in a mass public gathering and start shooting politicians with no legal entities present to stop them--just old elderly men and a brave female (who apparently were forced to be the heroes of the day in the absence of any other legal deterrents) rolleyes

No, in the deep South we have what they call gentlemen's code, and despite all the banter that may come out of sectors of the region from time to time, I think most down there are God loving and God fearing people who would never act this way with their guns.