We are going to my Brother In-Law's house for a New Years Eve Party. He is having a houseful this year. Everyone attending is making and bringing some kind of homemade appetizer. If this year's party is anything like the one he threw last year, it will be a blast.

Best part is I don't have to drive because he lives about a block and a half from me. Let the drinking begin!

I am making and bringing 8 homemade pizza pies (which includes my homemade sauce).

2 Sicilian (square) and 6 Napoletana (round) pies.

2 Round Pies with Regular Cheese
2 Round Pies with Pepperoni & Cheese
2 Round White Pies with Ricotta & Fresh Mozzarella
1 L&B Style Square Sicilian (Grated Cheese)
1 Square Sicilian style with Sausage with fresh Mozzarella

For New Years Day we are going to be at my house and I have catered in Chinese food. Love the fact that New Years Day is on a Saturday! Party Party Party from Friday Night until ...... smile

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.